
How To Change Post Background Color Facebook

Facebook Groundwork: How To Add Custom Background On Facebook Postal service

Hither is a quick guide to learn " how to add custom backgrounds to a Facebook post ?" Every bit we all know we tin can share all types of images, videos, and Gif files on Facebook according to our ain choice. But posting a text-based status on Facebook is always a boring idea. To brand your Text status more interesting, you can add a new custom background. But the fact is that many of the states don't know how to create colorful text posts on Facebook apps or websites?

Same as other social media platforms, Facebook also offers costless custom backgrounds for text condition and text posts. Choose the built-in color facebook backgrounds for your bulletin to brand them more bonny and appealing. Does it audio good? If yes and so continue reading the mail and learn how to add a Facebook background to post.

By adding colorful text background based status on Facebook, yous can arrive more attractive and catchy. This volition assist yous to stand out when others are posting their post in normal text format.

How To Add together Custom Facebook Background In A Post Via Brower

No boosted 3rd-political party software or extension is required to insert background in Facebook posts. Use Facebook'south background feature and cull the right groundwork.

  1. Browse Facebook official website on your Pc browser.
  2. Once you are into your Facebook account, click on the empty expanse that says, 'What's on your mind, name? '

facebook background in a post

  1. Now "create Mail" section will announced in front of you lot. From this section, click on the multi-color button on the lower left with the universal symbol for text (Aa) to open up the "Groundwork Gallery" every bit shown in the screenshot.

Add Custom Facebook Background In A Post

  1. Here y'all can access a set of custom Facebook backgrounds. For more than options, click on the button from the right of the bar to reveal even more options.

set of custom Facebook backgrounds

  1. Under the "Cull background" section, y'all tin see unlike categories like "Popular", "new" and "more than" to choose FB background images. Check out all the FB background images and click for choice.

facebook background images

  1. Now blazon your message and update it. Here you can see the groundwork behind the text message.

Add Custom Background On Facebook Post

  1. All done!!! The background paradigm has been added in your FB post and you tin can share it on your timeline.

Please Note: Unfortunately, yous tin can't upload a new image to gear up as the background for your new mail. Similarly, you can't insert a link or video to your status update. This activity will automatically remove the selected background image from your post.

How To Add Backgrounds To Facebook Post On Android

Just considering the Facebook spider web version and android version come with different layouts, that'due south why the procedure is a little scrap different for Android devices.

  1. Launch the Facebook application and tap on the empty era that says "Write something here" nether the Abode tab. It volition open the "create post" section on your telephone.

Add Backgrounds To Facebook Post On Android

  1. Scroll downwards the same page to find the "background color" option and tap on it.

facebook background color

  1. Same as the spider web version, the mobile version also has the text Aa written on it. Information technology will reveal a agglomeration of background images. Once more tap on the last push to access more interesting backgrounds for facebook posts.

interesting backgrounds for facebook posts

  1. Select any one groundwork from the list, type your message in a blank area and it will show the real view of your Facebook post with a background image.

background list for facebook

  1. Done!!! This is all most how to insert background images in facebook posts.

GUIDE : Install Facebook Watch on Firestick / Fire Tv set

Facebook Background Limitations

  • Can't add together video or image/photograph or link while choosing the FB background image.
  • Limited texts are allowed to utilize with the background. If the message is too long, Facebook volition remove the chosen groundwork prototype automatically.
  • The background image feature is useful for short messages only.

So, guys, these are the working methods to create Facebook status with colorful backgrounds. Use your pc browser or mobile app and start sharing your Fb messages with colorful background images. Things like colored custom Facebook backgrounds and Stickers are a nice way to add together a bit of personality to your posts.

If you are looking for Facebook long post with a background, it'due south not possible. Limited texts are allowed to be used with a changed background in Facebook posts.

How To Change Post Background Color Facebook,


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